Planning Sub Committee A - Monday 21 October 2024, 7:30pm - Islington Council meeting webcasting
Planning Sub Committee A
Monday, 21st October 2024 at 7:30pm
Agenda item :
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Cllr Toby North
Cllr Rosaline Ogunro
Cllr Clare Jeapes
Cllr Paul Convery
Agenda item :
Formal Matters
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Cllr Toby North
Agenda item :
1 Introductions
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies for Absence
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Planning Officer
Legal Officer
Cllr Toby North
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Substitute Members
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Agenda item :
4 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Toby North
Agenda item :
5 Order of Business
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Agenda item :
6 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Agenda item :
Consideration of Planning Applications
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Agenda item :
1 Garages at Priors Estate, Cumming Street, London, N1 9JA
Agenda item :
2 50 Florence Street, London, N1 2DU
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Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Applicant or Agent
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Clare Jeapes
Cllr Paul Convery
Cllr Toby North
Applicant or Agent
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Paul Convery
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Paul Convery
Cllr Paul Convery
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Clare Jeapes
Cllr Toby North
Objector .
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Clare Jeapes
Cllr Paul Convery
Cllr Fin Craig
Cllr Fin Craig
Cllr Fin Craig
Cllr Fin Craig
Cllr Fin Craig
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Fin Craig
Cllr Toby North
Objector .
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Fin Craig
Agenda item :
1 Garages at Priors Estate, Cumming Street, London, N1 9JA
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Cllr Fin Craig
Objector .
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Fin Craig
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Fin Craig
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Fin Craig
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Clare Jeapes
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Rosaline Ogunro
Cllr Toby North
Cllr Toby North
Webcast Finished
- Schedule of Planning Applications 21 October 2024, opens in new tab
- Minutes , 23/07/2024 Planning Sub Committee A, opens in new tab
- Priors Estate Garages Committee Report - final, opens in new tab
- Map P2022-2009-FUL Garages at Priors Estate, Cumming St, N1 9JA, opens in new tab
- 50 Florence Strret Committee FINAL, opens in new tab
- Map P2024-0591-FUL 50 Florence Street, London, N1 2DU, opens in new tab