Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 14 January 2025, 7:30pm - Islington Council meeting webcasting
Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 14th January 2025 at 7:30pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Tricia Clarke
Agenda item :
Formal Matters
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Cllr Ruth Hayes
Cllr Clare Jeapes
Cllr Gary Heather
Cllr Caroline Russell
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the previous meeting
Agenda item :
5 Chair's Report
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Cllr Tricia Clarke
Agenda item :
6 Public Questions
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Agenda item :
1 Scrutiny Topic - Greening in Islington
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Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Ruth Hayes
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Caroline Russell
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Caroline Russell
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr James Potts
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Gary Heather
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Gary Heather
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Clare Jeapes
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Agenda item :
2 Update on the Climate Action Supplementary Planning Document
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Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Gary Heather
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Ruth Hayes
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Clare Jeapes
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr James Potts
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Caroline Russell
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Agenda item :
3 12 Month Update on The Circular Economy and Green Jobs Review
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Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Caroline Russell
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Gary Heather
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Ruth Hayes
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Agenda item :
4 12 Month Update on The Overview of the Council's 2030 Net Zero Carbon Programme Review
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Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Gary Heather
Cllr Rowena Champion
Cllr Gary Heather
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Caroline Russell
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Agenda item :
5 Work Plan 2024-25
- Minutes , 12/11/2024 Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Minutes , 03/12/2024 Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Green Streets Scrutiny Presentation, opens in new tab
- 2409_Exec response to EnvScrutiny_CircEconJobs_Final, opens in new tab
- 2024_ECCT Scrutiny Committee report_Climate Action_December2024_v3_Final, opens in new tab
- ECT Workplan 2024-25, opens in new tab