Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 30 January 2025, 7:30pm - Islington Council meeting webcasting
Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 30th January 2025 at 7:30pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Nick Wayne
Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the previous meeting
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Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Sara Hyde
Cllr Sara Hyde
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Ruth Hayes
Cllr Bashir Ibrahim
Cllr Bashir Ibrahim
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Saiqa Pandor
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Jilani Chowdhury
Cllr Saiqa Pandor
Agenda item :
1 Scrutiny of Budget Proposals
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- CRESC Covering Report 30.1.25 - Budget Report 2025-26
- Appendix A - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30
- Appendix B - Savings Proposals (2025-26 Budget)
- Appendix C - GF Earmarked Reserve Balances
- Appendix D1 - HRA MTFS
- Appendix D2 - HRA Fees and Charges 2025-26
- Appendix D3 - HRA Savings Proposals 2025-26
- Appendix E1 - Capital Programme
- Appendix E2 - Changes to Capital Programme 2025-26
- Appendix F - Balance Sheet Analysis
- Appendix G - Cumulative EQIA report 20252026
- Appendix H - Retail Relief Policy 2025-26
- Appendix I - London Borough of Islington Pay Policy Statement 2025-26
- Appendix J - FM Code Assessment
Cllr Saiqa Pandor
Cllr Heather Staff
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Shreya Nanda
Cllr Shreya Nanda
Cllr Nick Wayne
Agenda item :
2 Annual Presentation - Executive Member for Finance and Performance
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Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Jilani Chowdhury
Cllr Jilani Chowdhury
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Bashir Ibrahim
Cllr Bashir Ibrahim
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Sara Hyde
Cllr Ruth Hayes
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Nick Wayne
Agenda item :
3 Corporate Performance Q2 2024-25
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Cllr Jilani Chowdhury
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Tricia Clarke
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Jason Jackson
Cllr Sara Hyde
Cllr Jason Jackson
Cllr Sara Hyde
Cllr Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Ruth Hayes
Cllr Ruth Hayes
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong
Cllr Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Sara Hyde
Cllr Nick Wayne
Cllr Nick Wayne
Webcast Finished
- CRESC Covering Report 30.1.25 - Budget Report 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Savings Proposals (2025-26 Budget), opens in new tab
- Appendix C - GF Earmarked Reserve Balances, opens in new tab
- Appendix D1 - HRA MTFS, opens in new tab
- Appendix D2 - HRA Fees and Charges 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix D3 - HRA Savings Proposals 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix E1 - Capital Programme, opens in new tab
- Appendix E2 - Changes to Capital Programme 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix F - Balance Sheet Analysis, opens in new tab
- Appendix G - Cumulative EQIA report 20252026, opens in new tab
- Appendix H - Retail Relief Policy 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix I - London Borough of Islington Pay Policy Statement 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix J - FM Code Assessment, opens in new tab
- CRES Annual Report January 2025, opens in new tab
- Cover note Q2 24_25 Corporate Performance update CRE, opens in new tab
- App.1 CWB Delivery Plan Progress and Performance update Q2 2024_25, opens in new tab
- App.2 Q2 2024-25 Corporate Performance Scorecard CWB, opens in new tab
- App.3 Q2 2024_25 FULL Delivery Plan progress performance update, opens in new tab
- Access Islington Hub Scrutiny Information Report V2 (003), opens in new tab
- Forward Plan of Key Decisions, opens in new tab
- Scrutiny Committee business tracker, opens in new tab
- Draft CR&E Work Plan 24-25, opens in new tab